RAWMUSICTV is one of the fastest growing new music publications globally. With over 300K hits a month on our YouTube channel and over 30K monthly hits on our website we’re growing fast and we’re looking to expand our staff.

With over 2 Million hits across our platforms so far this year, we’ve shown that it's possible to enter a highly saturated market and become a global competitor whilst sticking to our independent roots.

Our dominant audience is in the USA, accounting for over 40% of our audience share with countries such as the United Kingdom, German, Sweden and Canada following closely behind.

Founded in 2018 and becoming a full-time project in September 2019, we’re growing, fast! We’re looking for passionate and experienced writers to join us.


We are currently looking for experienced Music Journalists and other roles will be available in the future.

Music Journalist (Freelance Position)

We believe there is still a market for written album reviews, features, and in-depth interviews. We have a number of globally recognised labels and PR companies already working with us so we have access to great artists.

As a freelance Music Journalist working for RAWMUSICTV, we’ll expect you to deliver interesting opinions on the latest albums, which you will have early access to. We’ll also be looking for great interviews, unique questions and intriguing headlines. We’re NOT looking for “Slipknot - Album Review” or “Papa Roach - Interview”. We want the inside scoop, you need to find the angle and the story and deliver this to our readers.

Anyone can write an album review, we want storytellers. People know what the album sounds like, they can listen to it for free on Spotify, so we ‘re not looking for: “and the drums come in after a guitar riff”, we want the story behind the album. It’s your job as a journalist to find that story.

You’ll receive full support and development.

Here’s an example of a simple album review


Album reviews and interviews pay £25 per article with a minimum 700 word count for album reviews and a minimum number of questions for interviews. It’s important to understand that whilst we’re growing fast, we still need to be fiscally conscious. One thing to keep in mind, the more we grow, the more we pay. The people that have been with us the longest will be first in-line to receive higher pay. Payment for features will be discussed on an individual basis.


We expect you to speak fluent English. English as a second language is absolutely fine as long as you are fluent.

Can I apply if I live outside of the UK?

YES! You just need a paypal account or bank account that accepts SEPA or IBAN transfers. UK payments will ALWAYS be paid via BACS.



You MUST have knowledge of the artists we cover, we’re looking for people passionate about the artists we love, not someone looking for a bit of extra cash anywhere they can find it.

20 OCTOBER 2020 UPDATE: We've had over 300 applications in less than a week. This position is currently on hold whilst we evaluate candidates. We didn't expect to receive so many applicants with such glowing CV's.

Check back to see if this opens up again.

Author Bio: AC Speed

Senior Editor

I started my career as a music journalist in 2013 and have been involved in the music industry as a touring musician, studio engineer and artist consultant since 2002, as well as previously being a signed artist. My passion for delivering high quality, informative music-related news is a daily driving force behind the content I create. Also a huge gaming nerd! Born in the United Kingdom and currently living in Sweden. Skål!


...people just like you all over the world make our work possible. Without you, we would not be able to keep our journalism open and free. Your support is vital in keeping our publication independent.

Every contribution, however big or small, is so valuable for our future. Please consider contributing to our passion.